About Us
We know how important it is for many families to keep their loved ones close by. The idea of a nursing home can be scary. The goal of ACCS is to keep your loved ones at home as long as possible- that means as long as they are safe and independent with some assistance. Often elderly and disabled adults are more comfortable at home than anywhere else. This comfort and familiarity can help maintain a level of health, but the demands placed on the rest of the family are not always easy to bear. Our team of caregivers are ready to help.
We only hire caregivers who are able to provide friendly, professional, and compassionate care to your loved one so that you can rest assured while they are in our care. We provide a wide variety of in-home services customized to the needs and abilities of your loved one.

Our Values
The individual is always at the forefront, as we are uniquely PERSON DRIVEN.
Our team members always show COMPASSION, EMPATHY, and RESPECT to each other, the individual, and their families.